Is the lack of sleep affecting different areas of your life?

You might feel tired, exhausted, upset…

The lack of sleep affects multiple areas of our lives: wellbeing, relationships, nutrition… 

You deserve to feel rested, to have some time for yourself,  not having to walk the pram everyday trying to make your baby sleep or spend hours at night guessing why the baby is not sleeping.

Find out how I can help you

Get the rest you and your child need

You can also experience the change many families have already benefited from.. 

What families are saying

Are you ready for a change?

It’s time to stop thinking it will get better over time, or to try to make small changes without looking at the overall picture. 

By working together we will align all the pieces of the puzzle that sleep is. I will put a plan in place taking into consideration your child’s temperament, your parental philosophy and your family dynamics.

We will work together to implement it, to troubleshoot and to reach your goals.

How can I help you?

  • Premium support

    It’s the first time you’re working on your child’s sleep. You would like full guidance during 2 weeks and you want to feel empowered with all the knowledge to change the current situation

  • Advanced support

    You have worked on your child’s sleep before and everything was going pretty well until recently. You’d like support during 1 week to go back on track in a sustained way.

  • Basic option

    You feel things are going pretty well. You’d like to clarify some specific topics to ensure everything stays on the right track and you don’t want follow up support.